Grabby Paws: Strange & Ever After by Susan Dennard

Grabby Paws

“Grabby Paws” is my version of the Waiting on Wednesday meme hosted by Breaking The Spine that highlights upcoming releases that I can’t wait to get my paws on. 🙂

Today I have grabby paws for…


In the conclusion to the trilogy that Publishers Weekly called “a roaring—and addictive—gothic world,” Eleanor Fitt must control her growing power, face her feelings for Daniel, and confront the evil necromancer Marcus…all before it’s too late.

Susan Dennard will leave readers breathless and forever changed in the concluding pages of this riveting ride.

Why I have grabby paws…

Well first of all, it’s set in the Victorian Era and deals with magic! Yay! I’m not a huge zombie fan, but necromancy? Definitely. I generally like to wait until I have all three books in a trilogy before I read them but I’m getting ancy! Also, I was lucky enough to be accepted for the official tour! Look!

Strange & Ever After

Pretty! So anyway, I’m on the tour but alas! I do not have a print ARC. (I can’t do eARCS because I have over-sensitive eyes and no e-reader) I’m trying really hard to get a copy, so if anyone would be willing to trade with me I’d love you forever! My trade list is here.

Releases July 22nd

About Rain Jeys

Young Adult Fantasy Author. Book Reviewer. Lover of kitties. View all posts by Rain Jeys

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